Friday, March 04, 2005


here's a weird thing about me. i think that march fourth is the funniest day of the year because it sounds like a military command. as in, "march forth!" shouted the commander! only, you know, with the numberical spelling substituted for the "forth" part.

i like almost homonyms.

anyway, when i typed today's date, instead of just giggling at combatant language, i realized that it's also in numberical order. 03, 04, 05. so in addition to being amused by the word fourth, i can also have a counting lesson!



Anonymous said...

cel•eb•rate three four five, come-on!
there's a party goin' on right here...
three four five, come-on!

let's all celebrate and have a good time!


cool and the gang.
and oh yah, slogrl

r4kk4 said...


i'm so glad that other people like march fourth!! HAHAHA!! (lovely song too, slogrl!)

oh, d'! you know i'll probably forget all about 4-5-6 since i noticed 3-4-5!
